Archive for Around the globe

Melbourne Chechnya Vigil – Federation Square 16 May 2017 – 6pm-7pm

// May 11th, 2017 // No Comments » // Around the globe, Within Victoria


A community candlelight vigil is being held on the evening of Tuesday 16 May 2017, 6pm to 7pm at Federation Square, Melbourne CBD.

The AVP encourages Melbourne’s LGBTI community and allies to attend to demonstrate solidarity and support for the gay and bi men who have been abducted, tortured and killed in Chechnya and their friends and loved ones who’s lives are currently in grave danger.

The vigil is being held the night before the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBiT) on Wednesday 17 May.

Check out the event via its organisers Facebook link here:

Bring an electronic candle & wear something pink!

5 accidentally transphobic phrases allies use — and what to say instead

// December 14th, 2015 // 1 Comment » // Around the globe, International


Words can be tricky — especially when you’re an ally, says Katy Dupere.

“As transgender lives and experiences increasingly come into the public sphere, our conversations about gender are getting more complex. And with those conversations comes the realization that we don’t always know what to say when describing trans identities.

But this learning curve offers a chance for us to get a little more inclusive and intentional with what we say. It’s an opportunity that, for allies, is as essential as it is complicated.”

As an organisation that embraces working within and for the complete same sex attracted and gender diverse community, the Anti-Violence Project invites individuals within the trans community to discuss parallels and divergences between this view within the community in the USA and the views of the trans community within Victoria and Australia. We want your views!

The original article can be found here:

Queer men are victims of street harassment nobody talks about

// November 28th, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, AVP news, International, Media discussion, Relationship violence, Within Australia, Within Victoria


This week we observed White Ribbon day and discussed how pervasive and destructive masculinity can be towards women.

However as Derrick Clifton writes in The Guardian, ‘uncomfortable, if not traumatizing, experiences (of harassment of gay men) get swept under the rug, or worse, internalised as something that “just happens” and shouldn’t be taken seriously’, revealing that many gay men, too, cope silently with harassment and consent issues in male dominated social spaces.

In Australia, governments are yet to turn their social policy lens and budgetary spends towards violence and harassment targeting the LGBTI community. The AVP believes that this makes Clifton’s argument, that its time to have more of a conversation about how the misogyny and patriarchy imbued in rape culture targets gay and gender non-conforming men, a very real and timely conversation to be had.

Read the full article here:

To Survive on This Shore is a beautiful series from the USA about the aging transgender community

// November 22nd, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, International, Media discussion, Within Australia, Within Victoria

Many wonderful life stories come from the transgender community in Australia and we expect many more as society becomes aware of gender diversity within a framework that says expressing homophobia to diminish another person is not okay.

To commemorate the 2015 Transgender Day of Rememberence, the AVP would like to divert your attention away from Australia and towards the USA where Jess T. Dugan came up with the idea for the project  “To Survive on This Shore”, a series of portraits about the aging transgender community in her part of the world.

Have a look at this wonderful project here:


Where men and women like (and hate) to be touched

// October 31st, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, Media discussion, Research

Mark Frauenberger reports in Boing Boing about the results of a fascinating study by researchers from Aalto University in Finland, the University of Oxford, and the University of Turku in Finland who developed “relationship-specific maps of bodily regions where social touch is allowed in a large cross-cultural dataset of over 1,368 people.”

Find out who can touch you and where.  Checkout:

Where men and women like (and hate) to be touched

Tackling violence against LGBTI people and defenders

// October 9th, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, AVP news, International

From Geneva, Anna Brown writes for the International Service for Human Rights about Tackling violence against LGBTI people and defenders.

Governments must also take steps to curb violence and protect individuals from discrimination, she says.

This should include measures to improve the investigation and reporting of hate crimes, torture and ill-treatment, to prohibit discrimination, and to review and repeal all laws used to arrest, punish or discriminate against people on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, just to name a few. All too frequently, authorities (in some countries) fail to properly investigate crimes, even if victims have the confidence to make a complaint. As the statement by the UN agencies makes clear, this leads to widespread impunity and lack of justice, remedies and support for victims.

Anna Brown writes that we can take heart from the positive progress in many parts of the world. In Australia there has been legislation introduced to a number of states to erase or ‘expunge’ historic convictions for consensual homosexual conduct. Recently in Ireland reforms have ensured that transgender people have access to birth certificates on the basis of their own declaration rather than requiring stigmatising and invasive medical procedures. Improved responses to LGBTI hate crime, including training of law enforcement officials and specific specialist taskforces or prosecuting teams dedicated to tackling bias-motivated violence have been introduced in countries such as in Spain, Honduras and South Africa.

Anna Brown is Director of Advocacy with the Human Rights Law Centre, a former ISHR trainee and Co-Convenor of the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby. Follow her on Twitter at @AnnaHRLC.


UN Human Right Council review on Australia’s performance.

// July 27th, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, International, Within Australia

Read all the latest news on Australia’s upcoming review by the UN Human Rights Council #AusUPR #auspol
Follow @rightsagenda on Twitter

Visibility – In Light of Caitlyn Jenner, Here is the Trans-Focused Entertainment You Should be Watching

// June 5th, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, Media discussion

An enlightened discussion by Tribeca Film Festival of transgender visibility, progress made but the work yet to do and why you should consider I AM CAIT and 12 other trans-focused movies and TV shows to watch now.

An alarming number of transgender people killed worldwide with differences in Australia pointing towards the need for funding to commence urgent work.

// May 13th, 2015 // No Comments » // Around the globe, International, Research

An alarming number of transgender people have been killed worldwide in the last seven years, outlined in newly revised report: TARGET=”_blank”>

VicAVP executive director Greg Adkins says that in Australia, where killing of transgender people remains low in number, physical and emotional violence may remain high yet hidden by under-reporting”.

“We believe the cut-through in addressing violence against transgender people in Australia may come through changing an inherently homophobic society, behind which transphobia can live.

“We use the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia and the release of this report to call on state and federal governments to drive this work with adequate funding to lift mental & physical health outcomes for communities impacted by both homophobia & transphobia.

“The recent Victoria government budget provides a model to the nation of how this body of work can be undertaken, yet more urgent community-led work must be funded and commenced, especially where violence impacts mental health outcomes.

“The Federal Budget shows that there’s much yet to be done to get national leadership up to speed towards changing an inherently homophobic society, behind which transphobia can live”, said VicAVP executive director Greg Adkins.

Report your experience of violence here: