5 accidentally transphobic phrases allies use — and what to say instead

// December 14th, 2015 // Around the globe, International


Words can be tricky — especially when you’re an ally, says Katy Dupere.

“As transgender lives and experiences increasingly come into the public sphere, our conversations about gender are getting more complex. And with those conversations comes the realization that we don’t always know what to say when describing trans identities.

But this learning curve offers a chance for us to get a little more inclusive and intentional with what we say. It’s an opportunity that, for allies, is as essential as it is complicated.”

As an organisation that embraces working within and for the complete same sex attracted and gender diverse community, the Anti-Violence Project invites individuals within the trans community to discuss parallels and divergences between this view within the community in the USA and the views of the trans community within Victoria and Australia. We want your views!

The original article can be found here:

One Response to “5 accidentally transphobic phrases allies use — and what to say instead”

  1. Sally says:

    I do a lot of talks and i introduce myself “hi im Sally and im a trans girl, before i walked in here i was just Sally and the moment i walk out that door i am just Sally again” I dont feel the need to tell anyone my pronouns after that. That usually makes some think. I clarify what i mean by saying “I dont think of myself as trans, I am just me”
    Having just read the full article i am now against the words “preferred pronoun/s”… i think “my pronouns are” rings with a truer feeling. I listened to SSA and GD people at a forum introducing themselves along with “my preferred pronouns are…. no ! why do we have to justify ourselves…
    The USA seems to be rather sensitive to correctness on a lot of things around trans issues… i haven’t heard the expressions “female-bodied” or “male-bodied” used to any degree… im a girl, I have girl friends and I have male friends.. their bodies or how they identify have nothing to do with our friendships.

    I really think that people should just refer to people by there name… that way there is no need for gender markers… less chance to make pronoun errors…. try it… it works..Just say Sally wrote an article… there is no need to say she , ooh is she a she and make a slip of the tongue, wrote an article
    Or as i tell the new recruits at the Vic Police academy, “if you are unsure what to say or how to address someone… ask them… its a great ice breaker to a conversation”

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