World AIDS Day 2009 – Universal Access
// December 1st, 2009 // No Comments » // Around the globe
VicAVP: Report, Discuss, Respond - Encouraging outcomes for violence & its impacts within & against the Victoria GLBTi community since 1997.
// December 1st, 2009 // No Comments » // Around the globe
// October 8th, 2009 // No Comments » // Within Australia
Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (QAHC) produced this great Anti-Homophobia TV commercial in partnership with Griffith Film School in support of the International Day Against Homophobia, 17th May, 2009 and we share it with you here.
// June 12th, 2009 // No Comments » // Around the globe
A stark reminder to all of us: “Don’t look away”. Whether its violence against us, or whether we witness violence against others, no matter if they’re gay or straight and regardless of gender or ethnicity.
Another great commercial with an important message about Respect from their MANEO’s Campaign for the Tolerance.
// June 10th, 2009 // No Comments » // Around the globe has launched their community and public awareness project to mark the sixth annual International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) on May 17th.
Created completely from user submissions, this video acts as a public service announcement communicating the message that LGBT individuals are present in every country, in every society and in every corner of the world.
Take Up the Idaho Challenge! marks a collaboration between and the Committee for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO). Founded in France by activist Louis-Georges Tin, the IDAHO Committee has been instrumental in the drafting of the new United Nations statement urging the decriminalization of homosexuality, now signed by 67 countries around the world.
“In our battle to tear down the walls of homophobia and transphobia, it is of vital importance that we have people who are willing to put their face to what we are fighting for. This is a clarion call to members of our community to come out from wherever you are and let your voice be heard,” says Louis-Georges Tin, Founder of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. “When each of us takes that step of courage in coming out, we empower and give courage to those around us to do the same. The change that we are all longing to see starts with each of us.”
Kenneth Tan from added “we are all about fighting the culture of anonymity that is so pervasive on the gay internet landscape. With this project, we want to challenge members of our community to step out of their virtual closets,”
“It is vital that those of us who reside in places of relative peace and freedom step out in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who, based upon where they live, risk abuse, jail, torture and the death sentence if they do come out. It is our hope that every country can be represented in this video.”
The Committee for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) is a network of activists, present in over 50 countries, who seek to promote the idea of an international day against homophobia and transphobia. This day has been recognised officially by a number of governments around the world and provides an opportunity for the LGBT movement across the world to unite in a powerful demonstration of collective visibility.