New violence report received of harassment in St Kilda

// December 16th, 2010 // Incidents, Within Victoria

A new report of homophobic harassment has been received from the St Kilda foreshore area near St Kilda Pier.

Two gay men were verbally harassed by groups of people numbering between three and four people, up to 15 people, as they walked to the pier. Some escalation of language appears to have taken place. More information will be posted here SOON.

2 Responses to “New violence report received of harassment in St Kilda”

  1. Mark says:

    Hi, I just commented on another post, but I want to find out more about this incident as well.
    There’s been a series of strange homophobic accusations going up on walls around st kilda east and i’m concerned about religious rhetoric they are using.
    Does anyone know more about the strange graffitied phrases that have been popping up?

  2. VicAVP Admin says:

    Mark, thanks again for posting. Can you please capture any images of this graffiti and either email or SMS to 0407664442
    Greg (PS drop past the VicPol and AVP stand at Midsumma this Sunday 16 January and say hi!

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