Archive for April, 2010

National Anti-Violence Collaboration established.

// April 29th, 2010 // No Comments » // Within Australia

The opening day of the 7th Health-in-Difference Conference (HiD) saw the establishment of a National Anti-Violence Collaboration.

In a session under the “Community: Changing Nature of Our Relationships” stream, people from all Australian states and territories fleshed out the framework to begin the national collaboration and will use the focussing point of the National GLBT Health Alliance as the collecting and enabling point.

Victoria’s Anti-Violence Project head Greg Adkins and NSW Anti-Violence Project’s Robert Knapman worked together to facilitate the session at the HiD Conference and this will start a process which will further share information and expertise around the nation.

OUT & SAFE Campaign Launch in Brunswick

// April 14th, 2010 // No Comments » // Within Victoria

OUT & SAFE is the Victorian Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby’s anti-violence campaign for Brunswick which addresses reports and anecdotal evidence of an increase in violence and harassment toward lesbians in Brunswick. Joined by Moreland City Council, local businesses, health providers, Brunswick police, (including Vic Pol’s Gay & Lesbian Liaison Officers) and local MPs this campaign aims to work towards decreasing instances of homophobic attacks and making Brunswick a safe place to be.

The campaign launch will have a performance by drag king extraordinaire Rocco D’Amore, just two or three SHORT speeches and some funky materials to take away with you.

Come hear about the campaign, what you can do to be involved, and meet representives of the Lobby and the Anti Violence Project at this casual launch party which is being hosted by the VGLRL and Jane Garrett, candidate for Brunswick.

AVP on-air with the Gay and Lesbian Liaison officers on JOY94.9

// April 14th, 2010 // No Comments » // Media discussion, Within Victoria

Tune-in to JOY 94.9 now to listen to the VicPol Gay and Lesbian liaison officer, the AVP and JOY 94.9 and their weekly radio partnership.
If you want to SMS the show: +61427JOY949 (+61427569949) or email

Vic Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s online Hate Crime survey

// April 6th, 2010 // No Comments » // Research, Within Victoria

Please take time to check out the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s (VEOHRC) online Hate Crime survey which will assist them in preparing a submission to the review by retired Justice Geoffrey Eames into the laws dealing with crime, harassment and vilification motivated by hatred or prejudice. If you have experienced prejudice related crime, harassment or vilification VEOHRC would like to hear from you.

Check out the link to this survey HERE.

UK guide for victims of hate-crime

// April 6th, 2010 // No Comments » // Around the globe, AVP news

UK charity, Stonewall has launched its new plain English guide for victims of anti-gay hate crime. “Blow the Whistle on Gay Hate” explains what homophobic hate crime is, why hate crime should be reported and what to say when reporting it. Check-out the guide here!

The AVP will review this important guide with a view to contextualise it for the community here in Victoria. If you want to be part of the review process contact the AVP by clicking here or call 0407664442.

International Day Against Homophobia is coming

// April 1st, 2010 // No Comments » // Around the globe, AVP news, Within Australia, Within Victoria

Today around 80 countries in the world still criminalise homosexuality and condemn consensual same-sex acts with imprisonment. Of these, nine (Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen) still have the death penalty. Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation and gender identity is still not recognised formally by the member states of the United Nations (even though human rights mechanisms such as the Human Rights Committee have repeatedly condemned discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity). This video comes care of ILGA.