// January 20th, 2010 // 2 Comments » // Media discussion, Within Australia, Within Victoria
Author of the soon to be published book “Beyond ‘That’s So Gay’: Challenging Homophobia in Australian Schools” has updated his website and is preparing for a national challenging homophobia tour of regional Australia. The AVP will the watch Daniel Whitthaus’ forthcoming book launch and tour with great interest and keep you up-to-date here.
Daniel’s website www.thatssogay.com.au is a great resource that will keep you up to date about the national tour and his book. He even has a detailed, downloadable tour calendar and ideas on how best to get involved and other promotional materials. Even more details about how to register in local areas will come online at the start of February.
You can also find Daniel through his Facebook Group for the tour – put ‘thats so gay tour’ in the search function.
For more information please contact:-
Daniel Witthaus
Beyond ‘That’s So Gay’
A National Challenging Homophobia Tour
web: www.thatssogay.com.auphone: +61 (0) 431 157 957