Archive for February, 2016

Have a safe enjoyable White Night!

// February 20th, 2016 // No Comments » // Media discussion, Within Victoria


Its Saturday night 20 February 2016 and Melbourne’s city streets are now outdoor arts spaces with music, theatre, visual art and light shows on display. Yes, White Night is back for its third incarnation.

Many people ignorant of the diverse communities that make up our capital city will be rubbing shoulders in our city streets, some for the first time.

White Night attracts thousands of people, and we’ll all gather through to the early hours to see works by local and international artists. The same sex attracted and gender diverse community are entitled to enjoy the night in safety with respect alongside the broader community.

The first sign of anyone acting out their prejudices and phobias verbally or physically towards you or your friends, is the exact moment you talk to the nearest police member or the nearest security person or council worker to radio police for you. You can also call police on 000.

When safe, let us at the Anti-Violence Project know of your experience via and we’ll encourage better planning for safer White Nights in future

Anger erupts over rainbow noose image – harmfull effects of Marriage Plebiscite in question

// February 4th, 2016 // No Comments » // AVP news, Media discussion, Within Australia, Within Victoria

Fears about the dangers to the LGBTI community over the Federal government’s proposed marriage plebiscite have been revealed as accurate after an anti-same-sex marriage lobby group posted an image of a woman with a rainbow noose around her neck in its latest social media campaign.

Anything that allows prejudice and homophobia to have an acceptable public platform is dangerous and un-Australian and will damage the health and lives of vulnerable people in the LGBTI community, says the AVP.

Read more here:
