Time to step up and talk about violence! Old laws expunged & old convictions can be removed.
// September 21st, 2015 // AVP news, International, Media discussion, Within Victoria
Expungement of old offences is GO!
Great to see this process underway.
It can also be used in relation to criminal records for trans and gender diverse people convicted of cross-dressing related “crimes” under those old laws.
Check out this link:
Department of Justice Criminal Law Expungement Scheme
After facing the law for an offence for which you can no longer be charged or convicted, you may have experienced prejudice motivated or other violence and not felt able to talk with police about. Nows the time to throw off the shadow of this expired law conviction and step up and talk about your experiences.
Visit the AVP’s Violence Reporting Service, or email vicavp@antiviolence.info and make contact and we’re more than happy to assist you!