MindOUT Survey – LAST DAYS!
// May 11th, 2011 // Research, Within Australia
Dear Alliance members, associates, and friends,
The MindOUT survey is coming to a close. Mental health and Suicide Prevention played a huge part in this week’s federal budget which makes it even more important for you to have your say in how to develop frameworks and services for the LGBTI community. The surveys are open till Friday – so complete the survey for yourself and for your organisation
Remember MindOUT is the first national LGBTI mental health and suicide prevention project in Australia.
And It’s for ALL of us in, or connected with, the LGBTI community – young, old, friends and in-betweens!
So CLICK HERE or go to http://www.lgbthealth.org.au/mindout
The good news…
Since we mentioned that 1588 community members had completed the community member survey a further 200 have got on board! Fantastic effort – but with only a few days to go we need more response to to reach our 2,000 target.
We especially need more responses from south Australia, Tasmania and Northern territory – if you know people there – send it OUT!
So, how can I help?
Yep, there are a few…..
1. Complete the LGBTI Community survey at www.lgbthealth.org.au/mindout
2. Complete the community member survey yourself – it should only take 10 – 15 minutes
3. Tell your friends, staff, colleagues about it and encourage them to complete
4. Distribute, distribute – please use your networks to get this message out before the end of the week.
Thanks for your assistance,
Craig Gear